10 Questions to Ask Your Septic Service Company

10 Questions to Ask Your Septic Service Company

Whether you’ve just purchased a home with a septic system, or have had one for several years, it’s critical to know how it works and how to maintain it. One of the best ways to learn is to ask your septic service company professional. To help you, we’ve compiled a list of ten questions to ask.

Question #1: Does my septic system need maintenance?

It’s important to get professional advice about your septic system’s maintenance. Don’t rely on YouTube, your neighbor or co-worker for information. (And the short answer is “Yes!”) 

Question #2: What are the parts of a septic tank system?

Septic systems are complex and made up of many parts: the tank, baffle, filter, pipes, microbes, and more. Fortunately, your septic system professional will explain the basic things you need to know, and you can rest assured they will take care of the rest.

Question #3: How long does a septic system last?

Depending on the type, size, usage and age, your septic system pro can give you a personalized answer to how long your septic system will last before a replacement is needed.

Question #4: If there’s an issue, should I open my septic tank?

This is one question you hopefully won’t need to ask, but you should know the answer is “NO!” Your septic system pro can elaborate, and explain how they perform inspections and repairs with their specialized equipment.

Question #5: How much does yearly maintenance cost?

Your septic service pro can provide an estimate for annual maintenance based on the usage of your system. Budgeting for required maintenance will help you when it’s time for an inspection or pump out.

 Question #6: How much does a replacement septic system cost?

Knowing the approximate expense of replacing your system makes it something that you can plan for in the future. Depending on your situation, a newly replaced septic system will also attract buyers when it’s time to put your house on the market. 

Question #7: Can I use the garbage disposal in my kitchen?

Getting the go ahead on using a garbage disposal, or finding out which cleaning products are acceptable, and any other questions specific to your home can all be answered by a septic system pro.

Question #8: Can I plant trees or park over the leach field?

The short answer is “No,” but the septic service pro will be able to advise you on what is acceptable to plant or put over your leach field.

Question #9: What should I do if my grass turns greener in straight lines?

Contact your local septic service company immediately if you notice your grass turning greener—it’s a sign you need an inspection (and probably repairs) as soon as possible.

Question #10: What items should not be flushed?

You need to know—and also make sure your family and guests know—that the only flushable items are waste and toilet tissue. Your septic service pro can provide you with a comprehensive list of items that should be on your “no flush” list.